Monday, May 24, 2010

3 things

The first thing I'd change would be open campus lunches. I think that all grades should have this privilege. It would make it less crowded in the lunchroom and honestly, it's just a really fun idea. As long as students come back in time for class, there shouldn't be any problem.

The next thing I'd change would be senior check-out. Here you can only check yourself out if you're 18 years old. I think this is really unfair for those of us who have later birthdays so I think that as long as you're a senior and you have a good enough grade average you should be able to check yourself out.

The last thing I would change would be semester exams. As a senior you only have to take them if you have less than a B in that class. I think this should be the case for all grades in highschool. If you have proven that you can successfully pass the class you shouldn't be forced to take yet another exam.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fictional Acceptance Speech

Oh my gosh! Oh! My! Gosh! I just can't believe this. Really I can't. Oh wow. This is crazy! This is so completely awesomely crazy! Wow. You know i'm so new to all of this. To be named favorite movie you guys. This means so, so much to me. The other girls, well, women I was up against are so amazing as well! I wish we could all just share this award. Wow, I just can't stop smiling and saying wow! This is just so cool! Gosh, there's so many people to thank as well. I don't even know where to begin.

I guess I'll start with my wonderful cast I have worked with these past few movies. You guys are so incredibly awesome! The directors, producers, scriptwriters....all of you are absolutely amazing as well.

Next I'd like to thank my parents and my friends. You guys have always supported me and believed in me. Especially you mom and dad. You guys pushed me to be the very best i could be and I thank you for that. You guys believed in me even when i doubted myself and I will always be grateful. I love you guys with all my heart!

And ofcourse, last but most certainly not least, I have to thank those who truly made receiving this award possible. You guys! The fans! My fans! My completely and totally amazing fans who I love so, so much! You guys are awesome and I'm so glad that you enjoyed the movies I've been in. I'm glad that I could deliver my characters to you in a way that brought you some fun entertainment. I only hope that I can continue to be liked by people as awesome as you!

Wow! Again thanks to everyone! This award means so much to me! It really and truly does. I'm going to go home and put it on a shelf so I can see it everyday and remember this always. Thank you so much you guys! I love you!